• Question: what country or area would you like to visit for research purposes and why?

    Asked by niamhk to Gaël on 8 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: Gaël Lymer

      Gaël Lymer answered on 8 Nov 2021:

      Bonjour 🙂
      That is a great question! If I could, I would like to go to Canada in Newfoundland. Before the Atlantic Ocean existed, North America and Europe were sticked together side by side. Newfoundland is the area that was at that time very close to Ireland, before the Atlantic Ocean opened. So I would like to go there and see on the other side of the ocean the continuity of the geological features I observe in Ireland.
      On a more personal point: I love Newfoundland dogs and a visit to Newfoundland where they are from could maybe permit me to see one in real 😀
