• Question: Why did you decide to work in this area of science?

    Asked by Kara T on 10 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 10 Nov 2021:

      Hello Kara T,

      Thanks for asking this q

      It’s a good point, because ‘Science’ encompasses soo many things from humans to disease to trees to drugs… I got a good idea in college because I learnt many different topics of science in the first two years. Including – maths, geology, microbiology, genetics, quantum chemistry! It’s a good taster and proper introduction to these fields, which you won’t get at school level.

      Then within each topic of science there are different styles of research and learning.

      Personally, I liked how with chemistry (organic in particular) everything you learn is built upon a few basic rules and principles. if you understand the basics you can go on to understand very complicated things using the same thought process! plus making molecules is a bit like cooking or baking. And the stuff I am doing now in the lab (using enzymes/microorganisms), has many similar steps to the sourdough bread I make at the weekend!!
